Municipal Shelter Euthanasia Rate in California is at 3 year HIGH- 17.9% and is the Highest in the US in 2023
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The percentage of dogs leaving the shelter alive right now is 60% compared to Pre-COVID
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“the committee chose to side with lobbyists and kill Bowie’s Law without transparency, the same way Bowie was killed last year in secret”
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"The only way to end the cycle is to address the root causes. Make spay and neuter services available everywhere.. Enact and enforce breeding laws. “
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"First year in Our history we have to Euthanise puppies"
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for what they were built to hold. Apple Valley-58%, Bakersfield, LA -32 % of animals do not come out of shelters alive
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Social Media platforms have become an open playground for backyard breeders
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”No-Kill” OR a struggle with High Volume Pet Euthanasia
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"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."


Fellow animal lovers of California!

This Platform is for Californians who hold a deep love for animals and are troubled by the heartbreaking reality of our state having the highest homeless animal population and euthanasia rates in the nation.  It’s time for us to rise together and speak up. This Platform is for you to TAKE ACTION: direct our concerns to our elected state leaders, legislators, and decision-makers, and demand long-term solutions to combat this unprecedented crisis. 

We are stronger when we unite our voices. Only by standing together can we make a 2024 – A Year of Change for Animals in California.

California public Animal Shelters, are facing overwhelming overcrowding

leading some to stop accepting animals or resorting to increased euthanasia of healthy and adoptable pets. The persistent inflow of animals demands our collective effort to advocate for solutions addressing the root causes of this crisis:

Breeders Laws

Lawmakers need to enact enforceable Breeders and Sellers laws to curb the rampant problem of uncontrolled backyard breeding and sales, and provide the necessary resources for enforcement.

State Spay Neuter Funding

Direct State + Federal Funding to establish affordable Spay-Neuter procedures across the state communities struggling with Animal overpopulation.

Social Media Responsibility

Social media platforms must establish firm barriers to prevent and eliminate massive illegal animal sales disguised as "adoption and rehoming." California needs straightforward state regulations for online animal sales.

Shelter Accountability

Help Municipal Shelters reduce Euthanazia rates, set transparent procedures, ensure humane treatment of animals. Let's ensure the welfare of animals is prioritized and enforced effectively.

Statewide Spay-Neuter Legislation

Enact Statewide Spay-Neuter laws and effective oversight controls. Implement penalties for non-compliance, but also provide resources and support to help pet owners meet their responsibilities.

Statewide Microchipping Mandate

Mandatory Animal Identification and Registration are essential for: responsible ownership, traceability, combating illegal sales, avoiding public health risks, managing stray animals population.

In Memory of Animals Euthanized in California Shelters

Their profiles are deleted from shelters websites, as if they never existed. Rest in Peace, we remember and love you.

Take Actions - Active Campaigns:

State wide Campaigns:

An unspayed/ unneutered dog can potentially produce over 500 offspring in his/her lifetime. During Covid Municipal Shelters had terminated these essential procedures. Prices at Private practices became unaffordable to many Californians. Having no access to a reasonably priced spay/neuter creates a flood of unwanted animals. The new 1-3 y.o animals overwhelm shelters and rescues,costing Taxpayers 1-2 Billion Dollars per year. Why won’t we prevent this in the first place? We need an Accessible, State Funded System. 

Request California Congress and Elected Officials to Allocate Taxpayer Funds within California State Budget to Provide Spay-Neuter Access across California Communities

The lack of regulation against backyard breeding directly contributes to overcrowding in California. Despite repeated attempts to pass bills addressing this issue, such as AB702 in 2021, AB2425 in 2024 pressure from lobbyists has caused these efforts to fail. It’s imperative that we rally public support to re-brand and reintroduce such bills to regulate and enforce backyard breeding, a major contributor to the state’s pet overpopulation crisis…

California currently holds the unfortunate distinction of having the highest homeless animal population and euthanasia rates in the United States. Euthanasia rates growth over the past three years in California averages 4-25 %. The alarming euthanasia rates in some shelters, reaching as high as 32% and even a staggering 57% are deeply concerning. Most animals entering municipal shelters are strays that were dumped/abandoned. The majority( over 90 %) are Not Neutered and Not Microchipped and it is not possible to locate their origin. Due to the significant increase in backyard breeding, many “designer” dogs are ending up at shelters as well: such as doodles, yorkies, French bulldogs and other dogs that typically would not end up at a shelter such as Golden Labs, and Rottweilers. And of course the most common breeds to flood the shelters are American Pit Bull Terriers, German Shepherds and Huskies…

California currently holds the unfortunate distinction of having the Highest homeless animal population and euthanasia rates in the United States. This is not a ranking to be proud of. Most animals entering municipal shelters are strays that were dumped/abandoned. The majority( over 90 %) are Not Neutered and Not Microchipped and it is not possible to locate their origin. Due to the increase in backyard breeding, many “designer” dogs are ending up at shelters as well: such as doodles, yorkies, French bulldogs and other dogs that typically would not end up at a shelter such as Golden Labs, and Rottweilers. And of course the most common breeds to flood the shelters are American Pit Bull Terriers, German Shepherds and Huskies…

Social Media platforms have become an open playground for backyard breeders. With social media integrated into our daily lives, the large majority of animals from illegal breeders, including litters of puppies and kittens, are being sold through online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Craigslist. 

Animal organizations continue to struggle with over-capacity status and urgently need community support to hold not only backyard breeders accountable, but also require social media platforms to be held accountable, preventing dissemination of illegal animal sales through their platforms. 

This lack of oversight poses serious risks to animal welfare, greatly contributes to an animal overpopulation crisis and highlights the urgent need for regulation in the online pet trade.

Pet euthanasia rates are at a 3-year high and keep rising. Healthy, adoptable animals are routinely euthanized for Space in Municipal Shelters. Transparency is Vital. When communities have timely information on planned Euthanazia- this helps to find solutions within the community. When information is withheld from the public – thousands of young, healthy animals die with NO chance to be saved!

Support congressmen who Proposed a New Shelter Accountability Bill, Insist that Elected Congressmen Vote in support of this Vital to our Communities Law & allocate Sufficient funding that is Tax Payers money for Enforcement and Compliance as a HIGH priority in 2024.

The lack of regulation against backyard breeding is a direct correlation to the overcrowding. Bills Proposing such regulations repeatedly Die in CA Congress due to lobbyists’ pressure. AB702  failed in 2021 – needs Public support to be Rebranded and Reintroduced. This bill was crucial to support animal welfare and regulate/enforce backyard breeding which is one of the major contributors to the overpopulation and mass euthanasia crisis in our state. Currently there is an important proposed legislation piece that needs our support: AB 2425 Animals: adoption, shelter overcrowding, and breeding.

Support congressmen who had Proposed the Bill, and urge them to introduce more relevant Bills, to systematically address the animal overpopulation crisis in Our State. It’s crucial that we insist that all state leadership vote in support of these vital laws for our communities. Additionally, we must demand that sufficient funding, which comes from taxpayers’ money, be allocated for enforcement and compliance as a high priority in 2024.  Together, let’s ensure that this important legislation receives the support and resources it needs to make a positive impact on our communities.

Something will be here soon!

Something will be here soon!

What You Can Do

Change starts with us California has long been recognized for its compassionate and progressive approach to social issues. However, the

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Benefits of Spaying and Neutering

The benefits of spaying and neutering extend to both individual animals and the community as a whole. According to, spaying females offers advantages such as eliminating heat cycles, reducing the desire to roam, and decreasing the risk of mammary gland tumors, ovarian, and uterine cancer…

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Animals, saved by rescues from being Euthanized at Shelters

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