Bowie’s Law in hopes to stop Euthanasia across California

An assemblyman from California has introduced a bill aimed at safeguarding animals from euthanasia, ensuring that every adoptable pet receives an opportunity to be rehomed.

Assemblymember Bill Essayli (R-Corona) has dubbed the legislation “Bowie’s Law,” inspired by a regrettable incident where a 3-month-old puppy named Bowie was mistakenly euthanized at the Baldwin Park Animal Center in Los Angeles towards the end of last year.

Under Bowie’s Law, all animal shelters would be mandated to publicly disclose online the precise date when an animal is slated for euthanasia, at least 72 hours in advance, or risk facing legal consequences.

Additionally, the bill proposes a comprehensive statewide investigation, financed by the state, to delve into the root causes of shelter overcrowding and actively seek permanent solutions.

Addressing concerns from shelters about time and financial constraints, Essayli emphasized

My response to shelters who say they don’t have the time or money to post 72 hours before an animal is put down. I would say, it takes more time and energy to kill a dog than it does to post on a website.  [1]

Statistics indicate that nearly 4,000 animals under LA County’s care were euthanized between July and November of 2022 out of the 12,000 animals taken in after Bowie’s incident.

Furthermore, the Bakersfield Animal Care Center recorded a high number of dog euthanizations in January, with over 200 dogs being euthanized last month, setting a grim record.

Our Summary of an Article by Jocelyn Sandusky,posted Feb 13 2023 Jocelyn Sandusky…

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